2016년 9월 26일 월요일

SystemC regression test with Visual Studio 2015

1. Download the SystemC regression test file (systemc_regressions-2.3.1.tar) from http://www.accellera.org/.

2. Untar the file to the directory where the regression test is going to be performed.
e.g. D:\systemc_regressions-2.3.1

3. Install Cygwin with Perl package.

4. In Cygwin, rename /usr/bin/link.exe to /usr/bin/link_cyg.exe.
This is required because Visual Studio's link.exe should be used instead of that of Cygwin.

5. Modify scripts\vsvars.bat file as below:
(The file on the left is the original. Click the image to read in detail.)

6. Modify scripts\verify.pl file as below:
(The file on the left is the original. Click the image to read in detail.)

7. Follow the steps as below (Click the image to read in detail):

8. The results for SystemC and TLM tests are as below.
(SystemC is assumed to be installed using the directions in [this article].)

8-1. SystemC:
 Tests that failed :
                diff                : systemc/bugs/sc_bigint_part_select/test01/test01.cpp
             compiling              : systemc/compliance_1666/test228/test228.cpp
                diff                : systemc/datatypes/fx/fast_constructors/test.f
                diff                : systemc/datatypes/fx/ranges/test.f
                diff                : systemc/datatypes/int/misc/test02/test02.cpp
                diff                : systemc/datatypes/int/parse_binary_bits/test01/test01.cpp
                diff                : systemc/datatypes/int/parse_binary_bits/test02/test02.cpp
                diff                : systemc/datatypes/misc/concat/test07/test07.cpp
                diff                : systemc/kernel/phase_callbacks/test04/register_phase_callbacks.cpp
                diff                : systemc/kernel/phase_callbacks/test05/simulation_callbacks.cpp
             compiling              : systemc/kernel/sc_time/test01/test01.cpp
                diff                : systemc/misc/stars/star130782/test.cpp

Total passed : 828
Total failed : 12

   GUT METER : 98 %

8-2. TLM:
 Tests that failed :

Total passed : 18
Total failed : 0

   GUT METER : 100 %

2016년 9월 25일 일요일

SystemC with Visual Studio 2015

1. Download the SystemC source code (systemc-2.3.1.tgz) from http://www.accellera.org/.

2. Untar the downloaded file to the directory where SystemC is to be installed.
e.g. D:\systemc-2.3.1

3. Make a directory msvc14 and create a "Static library" Visual Studio 2015 project, systemc, under it.

4. Add the source files (*.cpp and *.h) under src directory and below (except those under src\sysc\packages and src\sysc\qt), to the systemc project.
(Use "Add → Existing Item" in Visual Studio. Alternatively, drag-and-dropping from Windows File Explorer to the Solution Explorer in Visual Studio also works.)

4-1. In my case, I temporarily moved src\sysc\packages and src\sysc\qt directories to outside of the SystemC directory hierarchy. Then I searched for *.cpp and *.h files under src directory in Windows File Explorer. Finally, I drag-and-dropped the searched file into the Solution Explorer in Visual Studio and moved back the two directories to their original locations.

5. Add src directory to "Additional Include Directories" of the systemc project.

6. Set "Enable Run-Time Type Info" of the systemc project to "Yes".

7. Add /vmg to "Additional Options" of the systemc project.

8. Modify the src\systemc.h file using a text editor (e.g. Vim) as below (Comment out the line, std::gets):

9. Modify the src\sysc\packages\boost\config\compiler\visualc.hpp file as the following (Comment out the version check):

10. Build for both Debug and Release configurations.

11. The results from the regression tests provided in http://www.accellera.org/ are shown in [this article]. In short, I think in general, if the SystemC datatypes that failed the tests are not used, this installation acts as expected.

2016년 9월 16일 금요일

C++ XML parsing & iteration

  • XML file을 저장할 data type은 boost::property_tree::ptree.
    • #include <boost/property_tree/ptree.hpp>
  • read_xml(ifname, ptree)
    • #include <boost/property_tree/xml_parser.hpp>
    • 참고로, property tree는 XML 외에 다른 tree 구조 file들도 parsing할 수 있음 (e.g. JSON, INI, INFO).
  • Iterate하려면 ptreebegin(), end()를 이용해야겠지?
    • Iterator의 type은 ptree::iterator (혹은 ptree::const_iterator).
    • Iterator를 dereference한 value의 type은 ptree::value_type.
      • ptree::value_type은 별 거 아니고, pair<string, basic_ptree> 임. 즉, first가 key이고 second가 sub-tree임.
  • XML의 attribute는 key가 <xmlattr>ptree::value_type 변수의 second에 있는 sub-tree에 주~욱 저장되어 있음. 
  • tree.data() 로 저장된 값에 접근함. 
#include <iostream>

#include <boost/property_tree/ptree.hpp>
#include <boost/property_tree/xml_parser.hpp>

using namespace std;
using namespace boost::property_tree;

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  const string ifname("books.xml");
  ptree tree;
  read_xml(ifname, tree);

  const string sep(2, ' ');

  for (ptree::iterator i = tree.begin(); i != tree.end(); ++i) {
    const ptree::value_type &v = *i;
    const string k0 = v.first;
    const ptree t0 = v.second;

    cout << k0 << endl; // catalog

    for (ptree::const_iterator j = t0.begin(); j != t0.end(); ++j) {
      const string k1 = j->first;
      const ptree t1 = j->second;

      const string sep1 = sep;
      cout << sep1 << k1 << endl; // book

      for (ptree::const_iterator k = t1.begin(); k != t1.end(); ++k) {
        const string k2 = k->first;
        const ptree t2 = k->second;

        const string sep2 = sep1 + sep;
        cout << sep2 << k2 << " = "; // <xmlattr>, author, title, genre, 
                                     // price, publish_date, description

        if (k2 == "<xmlattr>") {
          for (ptree::const_iterator l = t2.begin(); l != t2.end(); ++l) {
            const string k3 = l->first;
            const ptree t3 = l->second;

            cout << endl;
            const string sep3 = sep2 + sep;
            cout << sep3 << k3 << " = "; // id
            cout << t3.data() << endl;
          } // for (l: t2)
        } else {
          cout << t2.data() << endl;
      } // for (k: t1)
    } // for (j: t0)
  } // for (i: tree)

  return 0;

위의 program을 Microsoft에서 제공하는 books.xml을 이용하여 실행하면 다음과 같은 출력이 나온다:
    <xmlattr> = 
      id = bk101
    author = Gambardella, Matthew
    title = XML Developer's Guide
    genre = Computer
    price = 44.95
    publish_date = 2000-10-01
    description = An in-depth look at creating applications 
      with XML.
    <xmlattr> = 
      id = bk102
    author = Ralls, Kim
    title = Midnight Rain
    genre = Fantasy
    price = 5.95
    publish_date = 2000-12-16
    description = A former architect battles corporate zombies, 
      an evil sorceress, and her own childhood to become queen 
      of the world.
    <xmlattr> = 
      id = bk103
    author = Corets, Eva
    title = Maeve Ascendant
    genre = Fantasy
    price = 5.95
    publish_date = 2000-11-17
    description = After the collapse of a nanotechnology 
      society in England, the young survivors lay the 
      foundation for a new society.
    <xmlattr> = 
      id = bk104
    author = Corets, Eva
    title = Oberon's Legacy
    genre = Fantasy
    price = 5.95
    publish_date = 2001-03-10
    description = In post-apocalypse England, the mysterious 
      agent known only as Oberon helps to create a new life 
      for the inhabitants of London. Sequel to Maeve 
    <xmlattr> = 
      id = bk105
    author = Corets, Eva
    title = The Sundered Grail
    genre = Fantasy
    price = 5.95
    publish_date = 2001-09-10
    description = The two daughters of Maeve, half-sisters, 
      battle one another for control of England. Sequel to 
      Oberon's Legacy.
    <xmlattr> = 
      id = bk106
    author = Randall, Cynthia
    title = Lover Birds
    genre = Romance
    price = 4.95
    publish_date = 2000-09-02
    description = When Carla meets Paul at an ornithology 
      conference, tempers fly as feathers get ruffled.
    <xmlattr> = 
      id = bk107
    author = Thurman, Paula
    title = Splish Splash
    genre = Romance
    price = 4.95
    publish_date = 2000-11-02
    description = A deep sea diver finds true love twenty 
      thousand leagues beneath the sea.
    <xmlattr> = 
      id = bk108
    author = Knorr, Stefan
    title = Creepy Crawlies
    genre = Horror
    price = 4.95
    publish_date = 2000-12-06
    description = An anthology of horror stories about roaches,
      centipedes, scorpions  and other insects.
    <xmlattr> = 
      id = bk109
    author = Kress, Peter
    title = Paradox Lost
    genre = Science Fiction
    price = 6.95
    publish_date = 2000-11-02
    description = After an inadvertant trip through a Heisenberg
      Uncertainty Device, James Salway discovers the problems 
      of being quantum.
    <xmlattr> = 
      id = bk110
    author = O'Brien, Tim
    title = Microsoft .NET: The Programming Bible
    genre = Computer
    price = 36.95
    publish_date = 2000-12-09
    description = Microsoft's .NET initiative is explored in 
      detail in this deep programmer's reference.
    <xmlattr> = 
      id = bk111
    author = O'Brien, Tim
    title = MSXML3: A Comprehensive Guide
    genre = Computer
    price = 36.95
    publish_date = 2000-12-01
    description = The Microsoft MSXML3 parser is covered in 
      detail, with attention to XML DOM interfaces, XSLT processing, 
      SAX and more.
    <xmlattr> = 
      id = bk112
    author = Galos, Mike
    title = Visual Studio 7: A Comprehensive Guide
    genre = Computer
    price = 49.95
    publish_date = 2001-04-16
    description = Microsoft Visual Studio 7 is explored in depth,
      looking at how Visual Basic, Visual C++, C#, and ASP+ are 
      integrated into a comprehensive development 